Tell your Representatives: Stop turning your backs on Main Street.

Email your representative about what's needed to help us save our businesses and our lives.

We’re in a once-in-a-century pandemic that could destroy the country’s 30 million small businesses – particularly Black-owned and Latinx-owned businesses. The pandemic is also threatening the lives and livelihoods of people all across the U.S. 

Yet, with the clock ticking, the Republican-led Senate has let small business assistance and unemployment benefits run out. 

Small businesses have waited far too long for needed relief, and the consequences of delay have meant thousands of closures impacting the labor market and economy. Political games and austerity are not the answer - with this renewed push from the House, Senate Republicans must come to the table and take action. We will see massive closures of small businesses and continued record unemployment if they delay action any further. 

Write to your representatives today. Tell them to do the job they were elected to do -- support Main Street businesses with the HEROES Act that includes:

  • Grants-based program like the RELIEF Act

  • Robust payroll support that also helps businesses cover fixed costs

  • Pandemic unemployment insurance and other cash relief for workers with no discrimination against immigrants

  • Health protections instead of corporate immunity for cutting corners on health and safety

Let them know: we can’t wait until January. This is urgent.