Nicki’s Story

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Nicki Shil Jahng Nim, Kuk Sool Won of St. Paul
St. Paul, MN

As a small martial arts school, we are anticipating that we will be fully closed by the end of March. Every morning, we read up on the latest recommendations and information from the MDH and CDC and decide how we're going to approach that day. Students are withdrawing at about 1 per day. When we close, we will have no income. That's a loss of about $2,000 of revenue for every week that our school stays closed. We also know that, even if we close for a short time, we will lose about 15% of our current students permanently. If we close for 3 weeks, we expect that to be closer to 25%. Anything longer than a month, and our inability to cover our own basic living expenses will likely necessitate closing permanently. Our landlord is currently making no accommodations for our expected inability to pay rent on April 1. 

With no exaggeration, we're planning for a total loss of our business and bankruptcy by June. 


Kirstin’s Story


Kelsey’s Story